Recolored security and download periodically updates software information of Recolored from the software publisher (Bertheussen IT), but some information may beslightly out-of-date or incorrect. 1+1=0 Proofĭownload and install Recolored safely and without concerns. Recolored was last time updated on and it has 9,938 downloads on portal.
You can run Recolored on all modern Windows OS operating systems. Recolored is a free software product and it is fully functional for an unlimited time although there may be other versions of this software product. Recolored can easily colorize your images: just add markings to the different regions of the photo, indicating which colors they should have.Download and install Recolored safely and without concerns.Recolored is a software product developed by Bertheussen IT and it is listed in Graphics category under Graphics Tools.
Recolored is a very helpful tool for those who want to bring back to life their black and white photos.